
Our journal features a collection of articles and updates about our recent projects, events, and insights.


Google warns owners of non-mobile friendly websites

Google is in the process of sending out mass notifications via email and Webmaster Tools warning of usability errors for websites that are not mobile friendly, and these errors will cause issues for website that wish to rank well for smartphone users. Google’s message The notification message with the subject “Fix mobile usability issues found on …” explains that […]
Special Interest

Walter Potter’s Curious World of Taxidermy

Walter Potter was a self-taught taxidermist noted for his anthropomorphic dioramas that became icons of Victorian whimsy. For almost 150 years the stuffed animals were displayed at Potter's
New Work

New ecommerce website for Wemoto

Wemoto (World’s End Motorcycles) hold the UK’s largest range of motorcycle spare parts with over 1 million pattern parts listed for all makes and models of bike from 1970 to the present day. The company is evolving their approach to ecommerce, with a need to stay current and competitive, by finding new ways to deliver […]
Company News

A new identity for Studio Gallant (Part 1): What’s in a name?

Over the past few month we’ve made some big decisions about the identity and direction of our company. Our business has grown slowly but steadily since our humble beginnings in 2004, where we started out in the spare bedroom, before quickly renting desk space, then progressing on to our new home. Throughout that growth, while so much […]
Company News, Feature

A brand new identity for Studio Gallant

Over the past few months we’ve made some big decisions about the identity and direction of our company. Our business has grown slowly but steadily since our humble beginnings in 2004, where we started out in the spare bedroom, before quickly renting desk space, then progressing on to our new home. Throughout that growth, while so […]
Company News, Feature

A new home for Studio Gallant

After a lot of packing and unpacking, we’re happy to announce that we have moved into our new home at 68 Middle Street. It’s been an exciting start to 2014 for Studio Gallant, with the new office providing space for a growing team and space to think, meet, sit and relax. Since starting our company back in 2004, […]

The Fox and the Cat

The Fox and the Cat is an ancient fable that addresses the difference between a resourceful expediency and the master strategist. In the basic story a cat and a fox discuss how many tricks and dodges they have. The fox boasts that he has many; the cat confesses to having only one. When hunters arrive with their […]

The Hare and the Tortoise

The Hare and the Tortoise is one of Aesop’s Fables which tells the story of a race between unequal partners in which ingenuity and cunnings are employed to overcome a strong opponent. A HARE one day ridiculed the short feet and slow pace of the Tortoise, who replied, laughing: “Though you be swift as the wind, I will beat […]

The Peacock and the Crane

A Peacock, puffed up with vanity, met a Crane one day, and to impress him spread his gorgeous tail in the Sun. “Look” he said. “What have you to compare with this? I am dressed in all the glory of the rainbow, while your feathers are gray as dust!” The Crane spread his broad wings […]

Credit Crunch? – Seeking Success in the Recession

We’re all constantly hearing about the financial gloom. The media is full of credit crunch, job losses, closures and cutbacks. So is this an impossible economic situation or is there a way for businesses to survive the credit crunch? Rather than reduce your aspirations, could you thrive in the recession, and emerge stronger than before? […]
Company News

New site new work

This is the future website of Subcircle Creative and this is the obligatory first post to the all new website. Watch this space!
Company News

Moving to new digs

We’re moving! After a very successful 2007/2008 Subcircle Creative have outgrown it’s old office and is moving to new digs, slap bang in the centre of Brighton! We expect the move to happen by the end of September, which, apart from the extra space, will provide us with the added benefit of a direct rail […]
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